Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Man and the Herbs

Once,long ago, a man had a garden full of herbs that had not yet sprouted.On the first day he had them, he went to the garden but he didn't see any herbs, not one tiny bit of green.Now you see, the man was quite poor, and he didn't have a lot of land, so all the seeds were quite cramped together.On the second day, he still saw no green.The next day after that he finally discovered one little sprout of a single herb, and he was overjoyed.However, on the fourth day, he saw no more tiny sprouts of green.That night he couldn't sleep, so he went out and pulled every root more upwards.He was tired to the brim of his toes, but happy at the thought that now all the sprouts were taller!The next day his daughter came into his room , quite restless and out of breath."Guess what happened to all the herbs?," she asked.They're all much taller aren't they?"replied the man with a smile."No, that's not it! All the herbs died!"said his daughter."What! Impossible!",the man said in disbelief.But when he went out, the herbs were, though very much stuck in the ground,dead.The End

Moral:1.If you really want something you care about to grow, give it time and space.

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