Friday, January 30, 2009

The Man Who Worried Too Much

There was once a man who worried too much.In the morning he worried that the sky might fall, in the afternoon he worried that the clouds might fall, and in the evening that the moon and stars might fall.But he worried every second of the day that the sky would fall, for you see if the sky fell, then everything in it would also fall. So every minute of the day was filled with worry, and as this was so he was always very gloomy and unhappy.One day his friend asked him,"Why are you always so unhappy?".The man answered,"I worry in the morning that the sun will fall, in the afternoon I worry that the clouds might fall, in the evening I worry that the moon and stars might fall, and every day that the sky might fall."His friend thought that was more than over exaggerating, and so he told the man that it would never happen.So the man stopped worrying, and it turned out that, of course, the things he thought might fall never did fall, and his days were then filled with joy and relief.The End

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