Friday, January 30, 2009

The Man Who Worried Too Much

There was once a man who worried too much.In the morning he worried that the sky might fall, in the afternoon he worried that the clouds might fall, and in the evening that the moon and stars might fall.But he worried every second of the day that the sky would fall, for you see if the sky fell, then everything in it would also fall. So every minute of the day was filled with worry, and as this was so he was always very gloomy and unhappy.One day his friend asked him,"Why are you always so unhappy?".The man answered,"I worry in the morning that the sun will fall, in the afternoon I worry that the clouds might fall, in the evening I worry that the moon and stars might fall, and every day that the sky might fall."His friend thought that was more than over exaggerating, and so he told the man that it would never happen.So the man stopped worrying, and it turned out that, of course, the things he thought might fall never did fall, and his days were then filled with joy and relief.The End

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Man and the Herbs

Once,long ago, a man had a garden full of herbs that had not yet sprouted.On the first day he had them, he went to the garden but he didn't see any herbs, not one tiny bit of green.Now you see, the man was quite poor, and he didn't have a lot of land, so all the seeds were quite cramped together.On the second day, he still saw no green.The next day after that he finally discovered one little sprout of a single herb, and he was overjoyed.However, on the fourth day, he saw no more tiny sprouts of green.That night he couldn't sleep, so he went out and pulled every root more upwards.He was tired to the brim of his toes, but happy at the thought that now all the sprouts were taller!The next day his daughter came into his room , quite restless and out of breath."Guess what happened to all the herbs?," she asked.They're all much taller aren't they?"replied the man with a smile."No, that's not it! All the herbs died!"said his daughter."What! Impossible!",the man said in disbelief.But when he went out, the herbs were, though very much stuck in the ground,dead.The End

Moral:1.If you really want something you care about to grow, give it time and space.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Iron Rod and the Embroidery Needle

Long ago, a small boy named Li Ban was playing when he saw an old lady rubbing an iron rod.He ignored her and continued playing.On the second and third day, she was still there.Finally, on the fourth day he went over to the old lady and asked,"Why are you rubbing that thick iron rod?".The old lady replied,"I need an embroidery needle to do my embroidery, but I don't have one so I am rubbing this iron rod so I can make it into an embroidery needle".Li Ban cried,"How can you rub an iron rod and make so thin that it's actually suitable to become an embroidery needle?!That will take forever!".The old lady absentmindedly said,"Well, that's what you think,but I really do need an embroidery needle, and as there is no place here that sells them, I'll just keep robbing this rod and eventually I'll get one."Li Ban never saw that same old lady again, but he carried that lesson within his heart, and kept reading and writing to become the most famous poet of all time.The End

Moral:1.Have perseverance.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Man Who Went North

Long ago, there were two kingdoms. One kingdom was named the Southern Kingdom and the other was called the Northern Kingdom.One day a man from the Northern Kingdom decided to go to the Southern Kingdom so he took money, food and clothes, got in his carriage and began heading north.The man's friend, who was in anther carriage close behind the man's asked,"Why in the world would you go north? You're supposed to go south if you want to get to the Southern Kingdom!" The man replied,"I've everything I need!I'll be fine!".The man's friend protested,"You may have what you need, but you're never going to get to the Southern Kingdom at that rate!".The man assured his friend,"Have no fear!I've food , clothes, money,and a carriage!What else could I possibly need?" The man's friend tried to tell him he'd never get there but the man went anyways. There is a catch, though.If you went north long enough,you'd eventually get south, but it would lots longer than if you just went south, and you'd need much more than the man took!Unfortunately, no one ever heard of the man again.The End.

Moral:1.Make sure you know what your'e doing before you set off

Friday, January 16, 2009


A little thing, a little ring, its welcome came to be; a silent thanks for sensing spring soothing as a melody it passes over every being calling its quiet whisper: Wake up tomorrow and the sun shall glisten on.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

The Old Man and the Archer

Once , long ago,there was a great and famous archer.He loved most to show of his skills when he was practicing, and he could stand two hundred steps away from the target and hit the bull's eye.One day, a wise old man was taking a stroll when he discovered a large crowd gathering near a fence and he decided to see what was going on.He pushed his way to the front, saying "Excuse me," whenever he bumped into someone or something.When he got to the front he saw an archer shooting arrows. He walked up to the archer and demanded to know why he was making everyone watch him.The archer replied, "That's because I'm so good." The old man argued, "Even if your skills are impressive, you don't have to brag about it." The archer asked as he shot another arrow,"Well, if you say that, what can you do?".The old man said,"I am an oil vender, or someone that pours oil. I can pour oil without spilling a single drop." Now the archer thought,"What kind of use is that?",but he only said,"Show us."So the old man took out a jar and a coin with a hole in the middle about as small as a square that sides add up to 2.1 centimeteres and poured oil through it from about one and a half meters high and he did not spill a single drop in ten tries.He was impressive.Even the archer clapped.Then the old man said,"So you see, if you just keep practicing and never brag, you'll be even better at what you're already good at".From then on, the archer never bragged and he could then shoot the bull's eye from a thousand steps away.The End

Moral:1.Practice hard.2.Don't brag while you're at it.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

The boy and the arrows

Once upon a time a time there was a boy who shot arrows from only ten inches away from his target.As this was so, of course every time he shot, he always hit the bull's eye dead centre. Now, he was a very selfish little boy and always bragged to his friends that he could hit the bull's eye every time.One day while he was bragging to his large group of friends, an old man walked by, and being tinterested in the conversation, he asked the little boy,"Why are you bragging?".The little boy replied,"Every time I shoot an arrow, I always hit the bull's eye dead centre."The old man thought for a moment and said,"Oh, is that so?Then why don't you show us your amazing skills?", he asked gesturing to the large group of boys.The selfish little boy did so.He mounted his arrow, stood ten inches away from his target and all his three tries hit the bull's eye.The wise old man stroked his beard and said, "Boy, stand one hundred feet away from the target and shoot." The boy shot three times, three times he missed.The old man chuckled and said laughingly,"you see?You are not as good as you claimed you were.You chose too easy a target."The End

Moral:1.Aim higher.2.Don't brag.

Friday, January 02, 2009

The boy and the orange

Long ago, there lived a boy and his poor family.They didn't have much to eat, and the boy hadn't tasted lots of foods before.One fine day, his rich friend invited him to his birthday party.The little boy asked his parents if he could go.They said yes, so he went.When he got there, he thought, "Oh no!I didn't bring him a present!" So he apologized, and his friend forgave him."You can come anyway", he said.The little boy played lots of fun games and a lot of different foods he hadn't ever tried before.The most delicious food to him was an orange ball called an orange.He secretly hid one in his shirt pocket, as he had no pockets on his pants.Afterward, he bowed Chinese manner to his friend and the orange fell out of his shirt pocket.His friend's parents saw it and asked if he wanted more.But the little boy only replied,"I don't want any.I just want to take one to my family because they have never tried it before." Now his friend's parents praised him and gave him many more to take back to his family.The End

Moral:1.Respect your family.2.If you respect them,you'll be happy you did it.