Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Temple of Dark

The Temple of Dark

Chapter 1: “Boring” day

One lovely day, Ari, Fiery, Aqua, Vine, Violet and Rosa were practicing magic in the garden.

“Aqua gets to go first because she’s the oldest!” shouted Vine.

“Splash! Splash! There it comes!” Aqua cried, pointing to the tidal wave.

“You catch it, Fiery.”

Why me?”

Because it’s your weakness!” Everyone shouted.

So Fiery caught it, or as least, some of it!

“Ha! You missed it!”

“Pshoop! This is so wet! You are in such big trouble!”

“What a tiny scared-cat!” teased Aqua.

So they quarreled, before calm Rosa stopped them. Now,

Ari and Vine, your turn, Earthquake! Rumble! Close it, Ari. Hurry!” cried Violet.


“Ahh! You were supposed to catch it”, echoed Vine’s voice down the cliff.

So, Ari flew out and effortlessly closed it. Well, our first little paragraph ends here, but what dangers follow?

Rosa! Rosa! Violet! Hey, where’d they go?” asked Vine.

“Ha! Ha!”

“Rumble! Rumble!”

“The temple of Earth! It’s tumbling!” cried Vine.

“So are the others, and I don’t see Ari and Aqua!” panted Fiery.

Ha Ha! Now, where is ZokobZX? He is new king, so it is important that he fights!!” cried a Darkian.

“Surprise! Hey where’s Rosa?” asked Violet, Aqua and Ari, who had just come out of hiding.

“I’m over here!” said squealing Rosa.

“Shh! ZokobZX and the Darkians might be here!” whispered Fiery.

“Crash! Weev! Weev!” was the sound the temple of Fire was making.

So, Fiery and the others got out to fight.

“Watch out! Duck! Dodge! Watch out! Help! There’s too many! were the words the Lights screamed.

Shh, It’s ZokobZX!” cried Aquaisr, who loved to boss sometimes, and when he wasn’t he was talking about being great and gloating.

“ZokobZX is a Darkian too, but he’s massive, while the others are only about 6 cm tall and 2 cm wide! Talk about it!” cried Ro. But he’s very weak during the night, and now it isn’t night!” she said worriedly.
Well, the last paragraph probably scared you, so let’s talk about the Lights and friends.

Aqua is a pretty young girl of 16, who only eats seafood because her power is water. She loves to tease Aquaisr, her best friend, and teams with other water types to do her favourite hobby, water relaying. She has blue eyes and yellow hair like a snow maiden. She produces water.

Vine is a kind and active girl of 15, who often eats fruits and veggies, for she is controller of all ground, She loves to run and is a champion runner. She also likes to give food to the family, and has green eyes and brown hair.

Ari is a cute and friendly girl of 10, who loves to fly and produces cool air for the house. She mostly eats light, cool (cold and warm) things, like warmed broccoli. She has light grey eyes and yellow-white hair.

Fiery is a popular girl and has the second coolest clothes. She eats mostly cooked things, and loves to fire-swim. She cooks things at the house, and has red hair and brown-red eyes. She is 11.

Violet is a fashionable, popular girl with the most fashionable clothes. She loves to hang out, and has brown hair and brown-red and lightly-black eyes. She likes to eat Fire-ling-lings. She is 14. Also, she is sweet.

Aquaisr is a great helper. He has a talkative personality, and loves to chat. His favourite foods are chicken and lasagna on meat sauce. Also, he has brown hair and green eyes, like Vine. He is 17.

Rosa is a very pretty and smart girl. She loves to read and write. Also, she eats many types of food, and is called the Healer of magic because she can heal anyone. Her eyes and hair are like Aqua’s. She is 14. She is also kind and gentle.

Now the battle. Yes, well, you know they defeated the first group. Here’s what happened next.

“Phewph! I’m tired out!” cried Violet.

“We all are. How about a nice drink of tea? Anyone up for it?” asked Aqua.

“Sure,” said Rosa.

“I’ll go --- “began Fierybut Violet screamed “They’re back! The Darkians and ZokobZX are back!”

“What to do… What to do?” thought Rosa.

“I know! Vine, create an apple. All Darkians have allergies to those. Everyone else can make a whirl pools, tornados and fire pools to their hearts content. Me and Violet can help,” She said.

“Massively --- great!” cried Ari.

So, Rosa sent her plan into action.

“Achoo! Sneeze! shkosh! Hot! Somebody help!” uttered ZokobZX, but when he saw that everyone was gone he screamed before a tornado picked him up, “I’ll get you one day, you’ll see!”

Chapter 2: Ideas

Arenea and Aquaisr were bored. Arenea was new, so it was a little fun.

“Sigh …where’s Aqua? And everyone?”

“They’re in the hollow ground tree, in the sick room!”

“How’d you know?”

“Helper’s instinct.”

“Yeah, right.”

“Yeah right.” mocked Arenea in a squeaky voice.

But she was 98/100% right, because all the fairies except Rosa and Violet were sick with a disease called Fairy hue, a poisoned herb drink.

“HELP!!!!! Help!” cried Rosa and Violet, knocking Arenea and Aquaisr down.

“Look! A human tooth!” cried Violet, holding a human penny.

“That’s a coin human’s use, called a penny.” investigated Rosa, correcting her.

“Oh, whatever, but they put it in the drink!” sobbed Violet.

“It’s okay! I’m sure we’ll get it out.”

“No, we won’t, its poisonous.”

“So?” asked Violet.

“We’ll just live to be and let them live like that.”

“No, we won’t, they’ll die.” Rumble, thought Violet and Rosa.

“I have an idea,” said Rosa mischievously.

Chapter 3: The temple of dark

“Are you sure this is all right?” asked Arenea.

“Sure. But be --------”, and something interrupted her.

A massive building with dark grounds stood in front of them. The castle had many windows, and guards. They assumed that it was the Temple of Dark.

“Are you ready to go in?” asked Rosa.

“Sure, if you want to,” said Violet.

“And make sure to be careful,” added Aquaisr.

So, they went in. The place had many dangers, but they defeated all of the bad guys and escaped safely.

“Wait!! We forgot to get the potion.”

“And go back all that way?” argued Violet.

“No, we’ll just teleport!” Rosa said.

But, they had to fight ZokobZX.

“Come and get it creeps!” he cried victoriously.

So they fought and bit, but despite his efforts, ZokobZX lost the rare potion.

“OK, let’s get out of here,” said Violet after they stole the potion for the baddies, as Arenea called them.

“Where’s Violet?” asked Aquaisr, who was the first to notice.

“I don’t know, but I’m hungry.” said Arenea, who often didn’t stay with one subject for long.

“Here I am!” cried Violet and Rosa, their arms full of treasure.

“Where’d you get that?” asked Aquaisr.

“We found use of our amulets, and opened the chests,” answered Rosa.

Soon, they headed back to cure the others. Violet and Rosa had to talk about Arenea, so that everyone would know who she is if she’s lost.

“Remember Arenea? She came from the water- fire lands. She is a mortal who has magic powers. She has blue hair (dyed from back), green eyes and always wears purple eyeliner. She is 15,” said Rosa.

“Guys and girls, where’s Vine?” asked Violet.

“She’s small and flexible. Maybe she and Aqua and Fiery and Ari are gone to hide,” said Aquaisr, 2 hours later while they were eating snacks.

But what no one but Violet and Rosa sensed bad guys were on the loose.

Chapter 4: Hopes

“ZokobZX…Where’s the creepy mortal and the other creeps?” asked ZokobZX’s father.

“Er..umm….hm….uh… They’re inside the dumbwaiter right now,” answered Zo.

“I’ll look.”

“No, don’t. See what’s inside the mortal’s mail first.” answered ZokobZX quickly.

This was what was inside:

Dear Aquaisr,

I am so sorry about this. Wait. Violet wants to talk. I hope you’re all right. Listen carefully to what Violet says.


Dear Aquaisr,

Rosa is gone! Hurry!



P.S. Come quick.

Dear Aquaisr,

Help!!! Violet and Aqua are sick. Hope you’re okay. Violet & Aqua are worse. Where’s your healing potion?!?

Rosa and Arenea.

“Ha!” cried ZokobZX triumphantly, as Rosa crawled out of the cage just in time.

“Where’s Arenea?” thought Rosa worriedly, as she looked at Ari and Fiery, Vine and Aqua, who had just been found.

Rosa, help! The Darkians are coming!” hissed Arenea from another cage.

“KABOOM! Fight or surrender, mortals?” asked ZokobZX.

“Fight!” called all of them.

So, they fought. Soon the ground was dark with potions and powers wasted. But the good guys won. Aquaisr rushed up that moment holding Aqua. Violet was right behind him.

“Aqua is very ill!” cried Violet.

Rosa thought for a moment then sought for a memory.

“Hmmmm…. Only a hopeful friend and love of the father can save one who was hurt…” she mumbled.

“Aquaisr, put her down.”


“Where’s father?”


“Him”, said Violet pointing to their father’s spirit.

“Now, Aquaisr join arms with our father chant that you won’t let a Light die”, ordered Rosa. They did.

After Aqua was cured, Rosa and Violet whispered something into their father’s ear:

“Now, I think we should have a party here.”

“Really? Great!” cried everyone.

Chapter 5: A “happy” ending

As you know now, Aquaisr and Aqua set up the party. It was funny because after they finished setting up, Fiery accidentally spilled the juice over her fiery dress. Then Violet laughed so hard to fall on the top of the cake. And she and Fiery started fighting. When someone tried to help, they started messing up the table. Aqua and Aquaisr laughed so hard and they even messed up. Only Rosa and Will (another guest) didn’t join in. They were both staring at Violet. But they both started laughing too, when Violet said,

“What? AGHH! Get this thing off me!” at the weird chipmunk who is nibbling her dress.

But soon, Violet started laughing hilariously too, even though it was messed up. The party was great. Aqua and Aquaisr were complimented as great helpers. Then they all went to bed chucking to themselves.

The End

About the Author

Doris ZiJin Zhang, the author, was born in Beijing, China. She is 9 years of age. She loves to chat, read, write, skate, swim and draw. Her least favorite hobby is piano. She has also written The Tale of Jenny the Mouse. She now lives in Markham, Ontario with her family in a house. Don’t forget read the next book --- “The Return of The Devil of Mt. Ester”. Oh….. The devil Beleiser has come to destroy the magic of Lands. Is it all up to Eline to try and save them? She might be the only one to help. Join in on this new book filled with new characters, dares, adventures and fun!

1 comment:

Monica said...

The is one great stpry to read Dory!!!