Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Three Blind Men and the Elephant

Once there were three blind men who lived in Africa. One day they were at a petting zoo and they touched an elephant. The first man felt the ear of the elephant. It was rough. That man reported to the others, "The elephant is rough."The second man touched the tusks of the elephant. They were smooth. This man wanted to prove the first man wrong, so he said,"No, the elephant is not rough, it is smooth." But the third man, not believing either of the other men, felt the tail. It was dry. So he said,"You are both wrong. The elephant is dry." They started arguing about who was right, and whether the elephant was rough, smooth, or dry. Just then a park ranger who was not blind came by and overheard the blind men's argument. He interrupted them just as the argument began to turn into a fight, as the first man had punched the second in the eye , and was saying,"It doesn't matter whether I punch you in the eye or not; you are already to blind to see that the elephant is rough, not smooth." The park ranger replied,"You are all right. The elephant is smooth, rough, and dry." the three blind men turned to this new stranger's voice, but they heeded not his words (in other words, they did not believe him) . However they each took a turn in touching the whole elephant, and discovered the park ranger was right. The End

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