Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Fish in the Dried-Out Pond

Once there was a man who loved to travel. One day he was riding in the desert when he saw a most peculiar sight. There was a poor fish, gagging and gasping for water. When the fish saw the traveler it said, "Help me! I need water, please get me some. If you don't, I shall die, and who know when another one of you people will find my poor body and eat it for dinner!". At that the traveler felt sorry for the fish, and was just about to take out his water bottle for the fish to drink from when he remembered himself and thought, "If I give this fish my water, I shall die!". So instead he said, "I am going to dig a well, and if you wait a bit, I will have lots of water for you." But the fish groaned, "I need water NOW!!!!!!!!". The man ignored it and dug a well. The poor, helpless fish could only murmur from time to time, "Please hurry.....". Now you know fully well that a well takes a very long time to dig, even for the strongest man. So when the man was finally done, and had exclaimed, "Now there is enough water for every one!", the fish had already died. The End

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