Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Silly bird and the Winter

Once there was a much- too -playful bird named Robin. When spring came, all the birds and animals began to prepare for hibernation. But Robin only sang and danced and played and did no work whatsoever. he asked his friend Sparrow,"Come play with me!" But Sparrow said,"Sorry, I'm too busy.You'd better get prepared too.It's going to be a hard winter." Robin only replied,"It's still spring! And besides, how hard can winter be? There's no point preparing now." So Robin continued to dance all through spring.Soon it was summer. No one wanted to play with Robin.Whenever he asked, they either said,"We're busy! We don't have time!", or"Robin, for the last time,GET TO WORK!!It's going to be a hard winter."Robin didn't pay attention to any of that. Months passed, and Robin still did no work."There's still plenty of time to prepare!Why start now?Let's just play while we can!", but no one listened.soon it really was winter, and Robin was freezing to death.Two little children, William and Rosella, found him and took him in until spring. During that time Robin had learned a very good lesson:Sometimes it's better to be prepared first.when spring came, Robin was ready to start a family of his own.And to thank William and Rosella, he donated one baby chick to them each spring.The End

Moral:1.Always be prepared for what is going to happen next.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Archer and the Bird

Once there was a brave and fearless archer who worked for the king. One fine day, he saw a lone bird flying in the sky, and something was sticking out of its beak. After looking at it for a minute or two the archer said to the king,"I bet I can kill that bird without an arrow." The king cried, "Impossible!"So the archer took out a bow without an arrow and strung it.The bird immediately squawked before flying upwards and plummeting down to its death."Amazing! How did you do it?" asked the king. The archer replied,"The moment I saw that bird, I knew it had been wounded. When I looked closer, I saw that it had been struck by an arrow. So if I strung my bow, the bird would think it was an arrow and die." The king said, "You're not only a great archer, but smart too!" The End

Moral:1. Observe carefully and you will get a better solution.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Leonardo Da Vinci and the Egg

Once,a little boy begged his father to send him to an art class. So his father agreed.On the first day ,the teacher asked him to draw an egg.Da Vinci thought,"That's the simplest thing on earth to draw!Even a baby can draw it!", but he did not say so.Instead he drew an oval.The teacher said,"That's not an egg.Come back when you can draw one."Da Vinci drew ten thousand eggs, and finally, on the ten thousandth time, he finally got it right.After that he realized that things were more complicated than they seemed, and he went on to become one of the greatest artists of all time.The End

Moral:1.Practice makes perfect!2.Things are not always as simple as they may seem.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Zhang Heng and the Stars

Once there was a curious little boy by the name of Zhang Heng.One day in the evening, he and his grandma were sitting outside and looking at the stars. Suddenly Zhang Heng exclaimed,"Grandma,the stars shine like pearls!"His grandma replied,"Yes but do you know what they really are?"Zhang Heng looked confused, but shook his head, no.His grandma said sternly,"Well, if you study hard, maybe one day you will know."So Zhang Heng went inside to study, and he became one of the greatest scientists of all time.The End

Moral:1.If you have perserverance, one day you'll do good.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Man and the Clarinet

Once there was a man who was a musician who played in the king's own court.However, he could not even play his instrument, which was a clarinet! Fortunately for him, the king only liked orchestras and so the man never had to worry, because as the orchestra was huge, he needed only to pretend to play and he would be safe.One fateful day, the king died and his eldest son became king. But the new king only liked solos, so he would go down the orchestra and hear each one of the musicians play for him.Now and then he at last reached the man who could not play, but when the king asked for him to play, he suddenly got up and ran screaming for his life all the way back home, lest someone discover his secret, and he never came back again.The End

Moral:1.All secrets will one day be discovered. 2.Have honesty.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

The Man and the Ax

There was once a man and a very old ax. This man was ina group of woodcutters who cut wood. One day the man broke the tip of his ax.He gasped. he wanted to sharpen it, but the person beside him was cutting quickly, the man kept cutting wood, and with each stroke he got slower and slower until his father finally stopped him and told him to sharpen his ax.The man cried'"That'll waste time!".But his father replied,"You'll waste more time if you don't sharpen your ax".So the man sharpened it and was soon working with astounding speed. he passed that generatinol lesson on to his family.The End

Moral:1.Save time by doing what needs to be done, then continue.

Friday, February 06, 2009

The Man and the Pearl

There was once a man who wanted to buy a beautiful present for his mother's birthday.So he went to the store and saw a huge pearl lying on a shelf It was expensive.But nevertheless he told the manager he wanted to buy it. Then he paid the money and the manager told him the pearl would come the next day.The next day a beautiful box came in the mail.The man opened it and found the pearl inside.The man thought the box was worth more than the pearl(apparently it wasn't)so he sent back the pearl to the store and kept the box.So he had paid all that money for nothing!The End

Moral:1.Focus on the major things.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

The Man Who Forgot How To Walk

Once there were two towns named Greaelegan and Sorigina. Greaelegan was a beautiful town and all the people who lived there walked gracefully and elegantly.The other town, Sorigina, however was a fairly ordinary town and all the people who lived in it walked normally. The people of Sorigina envied the people of Greaelegan because the Grealegans walked more gracefully. One day a man from Sorigina decided to go to Greaelegan to learn how to walk elegantly.After several days he still hadn't learned how but even worse, he had forgotten his own way of walking!ad so he crawled one ten miles back to Sorigina.In the end, he was starving and dying of thirst.It took him five years to learn how to walk normally again.After that he never forgot what he already learned.The End

Moral:1.If you want to learn something new, don't forget what you've already learned.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Ugly Girl and the Pretty Girl

Once in an era older than we think it is, there lived a pretty girl by the name of West-Bloom, and she was one of the four beauties of China.West-bloom had heart disease, and as this was so she always put her hands over her heart and frowned.When her cousin South-Leaf, who was unmistakably ugly saw how many people stared in awe at how pretty her cousin was, she decided to do the same.But when she put her hands over her heart and frowned, people ran away because she was to ugly to look at.So at last South-Leaf went home, humiliated, and she never tried to copy her cousin West-Bloom again.The End

Moral:1.If you want to mimic people, mimic their good side.2. Be yourself.

Monday, February 02, 2009

The Man and the Money Sign

There was once a man who had a lot of money and a very small house.Now he didn't want anyone to know that he was so rich, so he bought a little house and buried his money deep underground.But he never could stop worrying that people would find his money and steal it all.So he put up a sign near the hole he had buried his money under that read:THERE IS NO GOLD OR MONEY UNDER THIS HOLE.So the next day his neighbor saw the sign and of course he knew that the man had a lot of gold and the neighbor stole the gold when he thought the rich man wasn't looking and buried it in his own yard.Then he put up a sign that read:NEIGHBOR, I DID NOT STEAL YOUR GOLD OR MONEY.What do you think happened when the rich man saw that sign the next morning?Well, of course he marched into his neighbor's backyard, took back his gold and sent his neighbor to jail.The End

Moral:1.If you don't vwant others to notice something, don't make it obvious to them.