Saturday, December 13, 2008

The two men who starved

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by an evil king. He made everyone work day and night without resting. His kingdom was split into 4 parts:The north, south, east and west sides. The lord of the north allowed his people to plot against their king. In this land were 2 men who wanted to stay loyal to their king even though he was evil. They tried to convince their lord, but all he said was "Enough! the way this king rules makes my blood boil. " So he and his army went to war with the king , and in the end they won. After that the 2 men were outraged because their new king had killed their old king. Everyone else was happy so they ran on top of a hill and shouted"We are not going to eat this kingdom's food!" nobody answered so they ate grass.In a month , when the days grew cold and short, the grass withered and the two men were starved to death.The End


Monica said...

Interesting. May I ask what language?

Monica said...

Okay, before, I was definate the words were symbols!!!