Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Man With A Lot of Plans

Once there was a man who had a lot of plans. One day he decided to build a house. He worked on it for five whole days, and the house was well-built and stable, but he was too lazy to add in the windows. When he asked his father if he would like to live in the house, but his father replied,"I cannot live in a house without windows." The man's father expected his son to put in the windows, but to his surprise, the man only shrugged and left the house alone. So his father suggested he write a book, and if he did, his father would bribe him enough money to get it published. The man worked on it for an entire day, and the story was exciting and thrilling, but the man was too lazy to finish it. On Thursday, he cooked a meal for his parents, and it was turning out nicely, but the man was too lazy to cook it properly. When his father saw it, he said to his son," My dear son, this is all good and well, but if you don't cook it properly, something disastrous is going to happen." The man nodded. His father continued,"I have a friend who's son was competing in a drawing contest. he drew a perfect tiger head, and everyone congratulated him, but he was too lazy to finish the tiger's body, so he drew a snake tail, and came last in the drawing contest." The man understood what his father meant, and from that day on, he persevered and became one of the most sucessful men of all time. The End

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Three Blind Men and the Elephant

Once there were three blind men who lived in Africa. One day they were at a petting zoo and they touched an elephant. The first man felt the ear of the elephant. It was rough. That man reported to the others, "The elephant is rough."The second man touched the tusks of the elephant. They were smooth. This man wanted to prove the first man wrong, so he said,"No, the elephant is not rough, it is smooth." But the third man, not believing either of the other men, felt the tail. It was dry. So he said,"You are both wrong. The elephant is dry." They started arguing about who was right, and whether the elephant was rough, smooth, or dry. Just then a park ranger who was not blind came by and overheard the blind men's argument. He interrupted them just as the argument began to turn into a fight, as the first man had punched the second in the eye , and was saying,"It doesn't matter whether I punch you in the eye or not; you are already to blind to see that the elephant is rough, not smooth." The park ranger replied,"You are all right. The elephant is smooth, rough, and dry." the three blind men turned to this new stranger's voice, but they heeded not his words (in other words, they did not believe him) . However they each took a turn in touching the whole elephant, and discovered the park ranger was right. The End

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Frog in the Well

Once there was frog who had lived in well all his life and had never before seen what was beyond the well. He thought the sky was a small blue patch and that the well was the deepest thing in the world. One day a wise old turtle who had seen many places noticed the well,and, being curious, peered inside. All he saw was a frog staring lazily into space. The turtle asked, "Have you ever seen the sky? Is it not so large and beautiful? And the sea is the widest, deepest thing in the world." The turtle thought that surely the frog would know all these things, and would start a conversation, for the turtle thought the frog looked rather bored. Much to his surprise however, the frog looked irritably at the turtle and said,"Are you kidding? The sky is a small blue patch and my well is the deepest and widest thing in the world." Finally the turtle understood that the frog had never before seen the outside world and replied," Come with me. See what you have been missing". The frog decided this was a chance for adventure, and so hopped obediently out of the well. And what a sight greeted him! He saw the wide, blue sea and the lovely sky. He saw flowers and birds and grass. At last he learned that while he was stuck in the well, the world haved moved on to new and wondorous things. He never wanted to miss anything again, and so traveled along with the old turtle, and when the old turtle died, the frog took his place as greatest animal traveler of all time. The End

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Man and the Shoes

Once there was a man who lived 100 miles away from any town. As this was so, whenever he needed something he had to walk 100 miles to get it because no one in any town wanted to go 100 miles just to give him something. He needed a faster form of transportation, but he lived too far to find a vechile shop. That was why he always tried to make the best of everything and make it last a long time. One day he desperately needed new sohoes, for, try as he might, he could not sew them back together to be fit enough for wearing. So he walked 101 miles to the nearest shoe store he could find and looked for a suitable pair of shoes that would last a long time. At last he found a nice brown leather pair, cheap , fashionable, and comfortable. By then it was getting late, and just when the clerks asked him what size he wore, he suddenly remembered he had forgotten his size at his home! He told the clerks he would go and get it, and even though the clerks insistd he could just size himself again, he went anyways. He ran back home, snatched up his size, and ran to the store again.Unfourtanetly by the time he got there, the store wasalready closed. All he could do was walk sadly back home again. The End